My Journey

My journey into the realm of body/mind began over 30 years ago when I took my first yoga class where I learned to use my mind to influence how my body moved and stretched. Focusing my concentration on various parts of my body, I attempted to perfect the physical poses taught in hatha yoga class. The stretching and strengthening, along with various yogic breathing techniques enabled me to sit still for my meditation practice.

Together, yoga and meditation greatly contributed to both my physical and emotional well-being. I had effectively learned to use my mind to work with my body, and to some degree, my emotions.

"I" was my "mind" back then; "I" lived above my neck. My body was merely my vehicle I was to keep in good shape, which I attempted to do with diet and yoga. Working with yoga so excited me I traveled to India to study further. Over time, however, negative emotional experiences “cropped up” and yoga alone was not enough to provide me with a sense of ease or well-being.

I began psychotherapy to help me explore my emotions, and although talking was helpful, I often found myself just going round and round in my head with my issues and not really integrating any real changes into my life. At the suggestion of my acupuncturist I tried the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®.

After a few Rubenfeld sessions, I had a profound “aha” – my body had lots of things to say to me! True things. As I learned how to listen to my self via my body, I became aware of emotions and emotional patterning that up until that point had not been in my consciousness, not acknowledged. Being able to express and examine these feelings began to transform my life – in body, mind and spirit.

The changes Rubenfeld Synergy were helping me make were so profoundly positive for me, I felt compelled to learning and sharing this bodymind therapy with others.

Over the years I have expanded my therapeutic skills with many years’ training in both Biodynamic Cranial Therapy and Gestalt Therapy. The “synergy” of these modalities has proven to be very beneficial for my own personal journey, as well as for the life journeys of my clients.

Professional experience

BodyMind Trainings

  • Rubenfeld Synergy Method®,
    Ilana Rubenfeld & Faculty

  • Portland Gestalt Training Institute

  • Ortho-Bionomy Training     

  • Body & Emotions in the
    Therapeutic Session,

    Rob Bauer, Master Synergist

  • Working with the Body in Psychotherapy,
    Daniel Schiff, PhD

Biodynamic Cranial Therapy Trainings

  • Biodynamic Cranial Mentorship
    Todd Jackson

  • Biodynamic Cranial Workshops
    Mike Boxhall
    Cherionna Menzam-Sills
    Giorgia Milne
    Ellen Mossman

Presentations & Workshops

  • International Association of Rubenfeld Synergists Annual Conferences

  • International Cranial Teachers Group Conferences

  • Infant/Maternal Cranial Sacral Therapy Conference

  • Northwest Cranial Association

  • Biodynamic Touch Workshops

  • Somatic Intuitive Healing Training

  • Rubenfeld Synergy Method Workshops